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Love Trinidad and Tobago

Fast Fact:  This is the birthplace of calypso music and the steelpan.

Weather: The climate of Trinidad is warm and humid

Culture : The ethnic groups of Trinidad and Tobago is 40% Indian (South Asian), 37.5% Africans
20.5% mixed(Venezuelans, Spaniards, French Creoles, Portuguese, Chinese, Britons, Lebanese, Syrians, Caribs, Italians) unspecified 0.8%Food:  nationally well known main dish of Trinidad and Tobago is curry chicken and roti. This dish was adopted from indentured labourers from India in the 19th century, where other favourite local dishes include: curry crab, curry shrimp, curry duck, curry aloo (potato).
Sport: Cricket is a popular sport in Trinidad and Tobago. Other popular sports include football.
Languages:  The official language of Trinidad and Tobago is English

Religion  65% of the population are Christians, 25% are Hindus and 6.6% are Muslim

The economy  of Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest and most developed nations in the Caribbean

Things to do 

Carnival in Port of Spain
Celebrate Carnival, Trinidad’s wildest and most magical event. The world-renowned festivities climax at the beginning of Lent

Steel bands
Listen to the big steel bands bang their drums around Queen’s Park Savannah, a large park in Port of Spain.

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