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Love Montserrat

Fast Fact:  The historic capital city of Plymouth was destroyed and two-thirds of the island’s population was forced to flee. This was because of an eruption of Soufriere Hills volcano that began on July 18, 1995. It is still ongoing today on a much smaller scale.

Weather: The climate of Montserrat is warm all year round.

Culture: Majority of the ethnic group in Montserrat are black. Decedents are from West Africa.

Food : Barbecues are popular and other local dishes include pumpkin soup, goat water (comparable to Irish stew), aubergine patties, salt fish, crêpes and dishes made from abundant local fruit

Sport: The most popular sport in Montserrat is Cricket
Languages:  English is widely spoken in Montserrat

Religion   Majority of the population in Montserrat are Christians

The economy of Montserrat is quite stagnate, since the devastations of Hurricane Hugo and the eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, the Montserratian economy has been effectively halted.

Things to do

The Montserrat December Festival
(The local Carnival tradition) is the biggest holiday of the year, held all through the month of December

Soufriere Hills Volcano
This volcano is active. With the smoke leading to some interesting atmospheric phenomena (such as literal smoke ring clouds)


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