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Love Bahamas

Weather: The climate of The Bahamas is subtropical to tropical; Day mean temperatures in July are 28.0°C (82.4°F)

Culture: The population of Bahamas is 85% African Bahamians, 12% European Bahamians
3% Asians and Hispanic Food:  Ducana - grated sweet potato mixed with coconut, sugar, and spices steamed in a banana leaf and  Fungi (sometimes Fungee) – a cornmeal-and-okra pudding often served with pepperpot stew

Languages:  The official language of the Bahamas is English. Many locals speak Bahamian Dialect

Religion   Majority of the population in the Bahamas are Christians.   

The economy  of the Bahamas is the most prosperous countries in the Caribbean region, The Bahamas relies on tourism to generate most of its economic activity. Tourism as an industry not only accounts for over 60 percent of the Bahamian GDP, but provides jobs for more than half the country’s workforce

Things to do

Thunderball Grotto
This beautiful underwater cave. Beautiful place for snorkelers and divers

Gold Rock Beach
One of the most beautiful beaches in the Bahamas

Marine Habitat at Atlantis
Located on Paradise Island. The world’s largest Marine Park in the carribean, home to over 50, 000 sea mammals


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