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Our Top 5 Romantic Cities

Following the romantic weekend we have put together your top romantic cities, have  more to add?  let us know…

Number 5 -  Kyoto, Japan

The breathtaking  Kyoto Botanical Garden. With beautiful lawns and miles of flowers, it’s the perfect place LOV of nature to walk through with your LOVed one



Number 4 – Venice, Italy

Take a calm ride on the Grand Canal in an authentic Venetian gondola? Set the scene further with a singing gondelier (if your lucky). Ah how romantic.



Number 3 – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dont they say it takes two to tango, well Argentina is the home of tango especially for LOVers If tango is the dance of LOVers, why not go straight to the place of seduction?



Number 2- Monte Carlo, Monaco

What about a bit of fast pace LOV on the wild side. Pump up the adrenaline racing cars, tournaments and high-stakes gambling, the excitement doesn’t stop once you leave the bedroom.



Number 1 – Paris, France

We could not have a romantic city list without Paris. That Eifel Tower gets us all the time..Eat dinner whilst taking in the breathtaking views. “oui oui”

Holiday Checklist Part 1

We LOVholidays and we want to make sure you LOVholidays to. So don’t leave home without these essentials.


You are not going anywhere without this. Double check it is valid and not out of date

Your flights tickets

Will not get far without these either. Most bookings are online nowadays. But have your reference just in case.


Does your destination require a visa? It is worth checking with your destinations borders agency alternatively visit for guidance on Visa applications


Do you need to be vaccinated? Remember vaccinations protect from life threatening diseases and infections. Make sure you are covered.

Travel insurance

Yes this is very important if your experience delays cancellations or need any type of medical assistance abroad.

Currency/Money/Credit Cards/Travellers cheques

You need spending money. We advise you to carry at least two methods of payments on holidays in case of emergencies

Emergency numbers

Carry a list of numbers for home and abroad. Numbers for a next of kin, emergency bank numbers. Also be aware of the emergency police and ambulance numbers if available at your destination.


Anti Diarrhoea, mosquito repellent, sun cream, Painkillers (Asprin/Paracetamol)

It is best to have your own medication. You may be able to find these treatments locally however travelling with your own ensures they are at hand when you need them. Also you can be sure of the medication or treatment you are taking.

Look out for part 2 of our essential checklist


Food to stay away from whilst on holiday

We all know that eating and trying new food is probably one of the best parts of going on holiday. We often indulge more and are tempted to try new dishes. But remember the wrong dish can turn that blissfull holiday into a ruined holiday. Because we LOVholidays we want you to LOV yours to. Here are a few tips to keep your stomach happy.

1.Stay away from ice in your drinks

In countries where tap water is unsafe to drink, ice has the same risk as non frozen water. Ideally water should be boiled, treated or bottled. It is difficult to tell when you’re out and about.

We suggest opting for canned and bottled drinks to be on the safe side.

2.Open street food

How can you avoid this? This is normally where you find the tastiest of countries dishes. Be careful as they are prone to flies. Flies contaminate foods. They carry traces of everything they landed on their legs, often including faeces and rotting trash.

To avoid this try staying away from street food if you can. If not be aware of the environment. Is there food covered is there rubbish lying around?

3.Tap Water

Contaminated water is one of the highest causes of illnesses in the world. Drinking contaminated water can lead to diarrhea and cholera.  Even in countries where the water is sanitised your immune system may not be ready.

We advise drinking bottled water. Using boiled water and avoid brushing teeth with tap water.

4.Warm Food

Because we like it hot! cooked foods should be  kept above 140 degrees(60C). If not bacteria can multiply very quickly. Especially left in sunlight

To avoid the bacteria make sure the food that you are eating is actually hot. Try have food that is made to order and has not been left around.

5.Raw foods

Fruit and vegetables are good for you. Just be careful of food that will be washed in local water including salads and raw fish.Try to avoid if you can

Follow these top tips and enjoy the holiday you LOV.